book About Analog Glitch

As a technical word, a Glitch is the unexpected result of a malfunction, especially occurring in software, video games, images, videos, audio, and other digital artefacts.

Glitch Art is the practice of using digital or analog errors for aesthetic purposes by either corrupting digital data or physically manipulating electronic devices.

Motherboard, a tech-art collective, held the first glitch art symposium in Oslo, Norway during January 2002, to "bring together international artists, academics

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Analog Glitch verified

Analog Glitch 07

mdo Owned by jsstats
list 2022-07-17 19:26:39
account_balance 5%
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trending_up 500.00 RVN
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As a technical word, a Glitch is the unexpected result of a malfunction, especially occurring in software, video games, images, videos, audio, and other digital artefacts.

Glitch Art is the practice of using digital or analog errors for aesthetic purposes by either corrupting digital data or physically manipulating electronic devices.

Motherboard, a tech-art collective, held the first glitch art symposium in Oslo, Norway during January 2002, to "bring together international artists, academics and other Glitch practitioners for a short space of time to share their work and ideas with the public and with each other."

Current Price
5,000.00 RVN
(6% site fee + 2.5% royalty fee = 5,425.00 RVN)

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Price From To Date
500 RVN Vault21B jsstats 2022-10-20 21:00:07
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