book About Cubed²

This is a Collection of Cube's or Cube² All Cube's rendered with a GTX1650 on my own time. Each one I sell allows me to list up more There are going to be more effort Cubes but they will be priced higher due to the amount of time and rendering it takes

link Blockchain Information
Chain Address


Cubed² verified

P_LightBlue Cube²

mdo Owned by CosmicDruid
list 2022-07-02 05:12:18
account_balance 3%
visibility 1920x1080
save 1.68 MB
trending_up 70.00 RVN
privacy_tip Details


Current Price
11,111.00 RVN
(6% site fee + 1.5% royalty fee = 11,943.00 RVN)

people Trading History
Price From To Date
70 RVN DiccChops CosmicDruid 2022-07-02 18:36:54
timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note