book About Dots dimensions

A whole paradox of dimensions, be free to think about then.
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Dots dimensions verified

Dimension 1 - Forbidden language

mdo Owned by WhiteHash
list 2022-04-18 19:37:52
account_balance 2%
visibility 1000x1000
save 0.58 MB
trending_up 25.00 RVN
privacy_tip Details

A unique piece of 50 others, 1000X1000 NFT of a whole dimension. Use as you like, just don`t shake too much, it may kill some dots. This is a piece of art, painted pixel by pixel, layer by layer, by my algorithm. This NFT is a result of 51 layers, including background.

Current Price
250.00 RVN
(6% site fee + 1% royalty fee = 267.00 RVN)

people Trading History
Price From To Date
25 RVN n00veloper WhiteHash 2022-05-03 19:49:23
timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note