book About Ellie Katz

"Hi, I'm Ellie, and these are my cats! I'm not actually old enough to make them, so my dad helps."

Hey - Dad here. We're letting the first 20 buyers shape the first Katz, but after that, each cat will be designed in concept by a 5.5 year old girl and then brought to NFT form by her dad.

The RVN earned from this collection is hers to do with whatever she wants! This is all for her.

link Blockchain Information
Chain Address


Ellie Katz verified

#6 - The Handsome Kat

mdo Owned by Ryan
list 2021-12-24 01:05:23
account_balance 3%
visibility 1200x1200
save 0.66 MB
trending_up 400.00 RVN
privacy_tip Details

The sixth in our series, this idea was given to us by the buyer of EllieKatz #5 - Ryan, from Ravenist/JustNFTs! The Handsome Hounds were one of the first creators to help us out, so we are excited to pay tribute to their collection with this cat!

people Trading History
Price From To Date
400 RVN EllieKatz Ryan 2021-12-24 02:14:00
timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note