book About Johannsen de Ramos

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Johannsen de Ramos verified


mdo Owned by IndyBows
list 2022-07-12 23:28:33
account_balance 3%
visibility 1556x1556
save 0.83 MB
trending_up 81.00 RVN
privacy_tip Details

Hi! I’m Johan – a creative! I am interested in a wide range of topics (scatterbrained?? lol) but my soulmate is ART! I am stuck in 9-5 at the moment (escape plan in the works) and I enjoy painting on my spare time. Graphite, charcoal, and oils are my preferred mediums (strictly in that order). Here are a couple pieces I made over the past two years. Thanks for checking my profile

This NFT is a Limited Edition of 222. The original artwork will NOT be sold, but kept by me. This NFT is only 2,000 (RVN) Ravencoin

Current Price
750.00 RVN
(6% site fee + 1.5% royalty fee = 806.00 RVN)

people Trading History
Price From To Date
81 RVN CosmicDruid IndyBows 2022-07-21 23:57:17
timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note