book About LordErwinNft original artwork

Specially for chibi creation collectible artwork, a unique art and original artwork by lorderwin.

The future character to giving a motivation in the next collection.
Art collectible and give a free NFT like a lottery.

A dream for you if you love a kids.

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LordErwinNft original artwork verified

Anjani Stories

list 2022-10-11 13:48:33
account_balance 5%
visibility 3072x3072
save 13.08 MB
trending_up 90.00 RVN
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The capture of Arjuna but this is girl version, so I got my ideas to illustrating.

Available Raven figure, monkey, frog, and goat
Raven meaning to hopefully into ravencoin.
Monkey inspired by BAYC when get a bigger appreciated.
Frog that is Pepe on foundation.
Goat that is meaningful about me a farming a goats is my activities.

people Trading History
Price From To Date
90 RVN LordErwin NORN 2022-10-26 05:30:24
timeline Asset History
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