book About Phantasmagorical AI Ravens

Chill on yourself a second and let the imagination fly through this surrealistic next-generated artwork.

Some of the best galleries around the world are exhibiting AI artworks, including London-based gallery Christie's. In 2018, their auction house sold an AI-generated portrait for $432k.

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Phantasmagorical AI Ravens verified

PAR #55

mdo Owned by BRIKbc
list 2022-01-24 03:45:23
account_balance 3%
visibility 7898x7898
save 7.83 MB
trending_up 190.00 RVN
privacy_tip Details

Chill on yourself a second and let the imagination fly through this surrealistic next-generated unique artwork. this NFT comes with a high-resolution printable file attached via IPFS hash to Unique Assets on the Ravencoin Blockchain.

Current Price
5,000.00 RVN
(6% site fee + 1.5% royalty fee = 5,375.00 RVN)

people Trading History
Price From To Date
190 RVN WhiteHash BRIKbc 2022-01-24 20:54:00
timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note