book About TMineR

Hi, I am Taher, an Artist from India. I used to love to sketch objects and characters, and then due to work and career related stresses, I left sketching. However, after dwelving into the Ravencoin ecosystem, I felt my love for sketch mustn’t go unnoticed. Hence, I decided to make new artworks to suit your needs! Get ownership over all of my cool work as they become your assets. Use them all you want, print them, hang them, make frames, and proudly display them in the metaverse!

link Blockchain Information
Chain Address


TMineR verified

Hodler PixeLion

mdo Owned by brand2ma
list 2021-12-18 08:57:48
account_balance 5%
visibility 512x512
save 0 MB
trending_up 125.00 RVN
privacy_tip Details

A Krpyto HODLer who is Krazy Rich, just because he believed in Krpyto from its infancy days, Just as you do. Consider him a lucky charm and use a small portion of your HODL'd Krpyto to hire him as your lucky charm! He would have done the same😁

people Trading History
Price From To Date
125 RVN TMineR brand2ma 2021-12-29 15:31:28
timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note